This dataset contains synthetic image sequences captured in various types of road scenes using CARLA Simulator. All of the sequences have two videos that have partial overlaps between then, mainly for the sake of benchmark of global optimization in Visual SLAM algorithms. In addition, most of the sequences are captured with three types of projection models: perspective, fisheye, and equirectangular. This dataset is initially used for the evaluation in our paper entitled "Privacy Preserving Visual SLAM", which is appeared in ECCV 2020. We make this dataset publicly available for researchers who are interested in Visual SLAM. Although we own its copyright, you can freely use it for research purposes, e.g. benchmark of Visual SLAM algorithms. We request that you cite the following paper if you publish any research results utilizing this dataset.
Click here to access Google Drive which contains the full dataset (about 6.86GB).
|-- 01/ # directory for Seq. #01 data
| |
| |-- prebuilt/ # seq. for creating prebuilt map
| | |-- video_pers.mp4 # video captured with perspective model
| | └-- poses.txt # ground-truth poses
| |
| └-- input/ # seq. for LC-VSLAM input
| |-- video_pers.mp4 # video captured with perspective model
| └-- poses.txt # ground-truth poses
└-- 02/ (or 03/ - 12/) # directory for Seq. #02 (or #03 - #12) data
|-- prebuilt/ # seq. for creating prebuilt map
| |-- video_pers.mp4 # video captured with perspective model
| |-- video_fish.mp4 # video captured with fisheye model
| |-- video_equi.mp4 # video captured with equirectangular model
| └-- poses.txt # ground-truth poses
└-- input/ # seq. for LC-VSLAM input
|-- video_pers.mp4 # video captured with perspective model
|-- video_fish.mp4 # video captured with fisheye model
|-- video_equi.mp4 # video captured with equirectangular model
└-- poses.txt # ground-truth poses
We made this dataset with CARLA Simulator. Using urban models (Town02 - Town05) provided by CARLA, we manually steered a car on which a virtual camera is mounted, then recorded an image sequence and a ground-truth trajectory. We captured the sequences using three types of projection models: perspective, fisheye, and equirectangular (except for Seq. #01). Also, each of the sequences has two videos, prebuilt and input, that have some overlaps between them so that they constitute a looping trajectory. Prebuilt ones are used for prebuilt-map creation in our paper, and input ones are for input to LC-VSLAM.
In the following, details on intrinsic parameters, video format, and ground-truth trajectory format are presented.
Subsequently, information of each of the sequences is also listed.
For each of the projection models, we provide projection parameters, which are needed to reproject a camera-referenced 3D point onto an image plane.
There are four pinhole-projection parameters for the perspective model.
Note that there is neither radial nor tangential distortion parameter.
There are four fisheye-projection parameters for the fisheye model.
Note that there is no distortion parameter.
Intrinsic Parameters
Seq. fx fy cx cy cols rows
#01 320 320 320 180 640 360
#02 - #12 640 640 640 360 1280 720
The projection process can be described by the following pseudo-code:
, fy
: focal lengths (in pixel unit) for x- and y-axescx
, cy
: principal points (in pixel unit) for x- and y-axescols
, rows
: horizontal and vertical image size (in pixel unit)
a = Xc / Zc
b = Yc / Zc
x = fx * a + cx
y = fy * b + cy
[Xc, Yc, Zc]
is a camera-referenced 3D coordinates of a 3D point.
Seq. fx fy cx cy cols rows
#02 - #12 586 586 640 360 1280 720
The projection process can be described by the following pseudo-code:
, fy
: focal lengths (in pixel unit) for x- and y-axescx
, cy
: principal points (in pixel unit) for x- and y-axescols
, rows
: horizontal and vertical image size (in pixel unit)
a = Xc / Zc
b = Yc / Zc
r = sqrt(a * a + b * b)
theta = atan(r)
x = fx * (theta / r) * a + cx
y = fy * (theta / r) * b + cy
[Xc, Yc, Zc]
is a camera-referenced 3D coordinates of a 3D point.
Seq. | cols | rows |
#02 - #12 | 2160 | 1080 |
, rows
: horizontal and vertical image size (in pixel unit)
l = sqrt(Xc * Xc + Yc * Yc + Zc * Zc)
bx = Xc / l
by = Yc / l
bz = Zc / l
latitude = -asin(by)
longitude = atan2(bx, bz)
x = cols * (0.5 + longitude / (2 * PI))
y = rows * (0.5 - latitude / PI)
[Xc, Yc, Zc]
is a camera-referenced 3D coordinates of a 3D point.
All of the videos are recorded in H.264 YUV420p format whose framerate is 30.0 FPS.
All of the trajectory files are formatted in a similar manner as the ones of KITTI dataset. Each line in the trajectory file represents a camera-referenced SE3 camera pose in raw-major format, and the line number corresponds to the frame number of the video.
For example, assume that the following values are written at the N-th line of ./01/prebuilt/poses.txt
A set of these values represents the ground-truth camera pose of the N-th frame of ./01/prebuilt/video_pers.mp4
r_11, r_12, r_13, t_1, r_21, r_22, r_23, t_2, r_31, r_32, r_33, t_3
These values can be interpreted as a camera-referenced SE3 camera pose Twc
, which converts a 3D point in the N-th camera coordinates to the one in the world coordinates.
Twc = [
[r_11, r_12, r_13, t_1],
[r_21, r_22, r_23, t_2],
[r_31, r_32, r_33, t_3],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]
The following is an example of coordinate transformation, where X_c
and X_w
represent the camera- and world-referenced homogeneous coordinates of a 3D point, respectively.
X_w = T_wc @ X_c
Seq. | Length (prebuilt) | Length (input) | Resolution | Trajectory | Direct Link | CARLA world |
#01 | 1:07 | 1:04 | Perspective: 640x360 |
![]() |
[Google Drive] | Town05 |
#02 | 2:20 | 1:16 | Perspective: 1280x720 Fisheye: 1280x720 Equirectangular: 2160x1080 |
![]() |
[Google Drive] | Town02 |
#03 | 2:08 | 1:28 | ![]() |
[Google Drive] | Town02 | |
#04 | 1:40 | 1:49 | ![]() |
[Google Drive] | Town04 | |
#05 | 2:11 | 1:34 | ![]() |
[Google Drive] | Town04 | |
#06 | 2:47 | 1:34 | ![]() |
[Google Drive] | Town05 | |
#07 | 2:20 | 2:00 | ![]() |
[Google Drive] | Town05 | |
#08 | 2:21 | 2:04 | ![]() |
[Google Drive] | Town03 | |
#09 | 2:26 | 1:58 | ![]() |
[Google Drive] | Town03 | |
#10 | 2:45 | 3:46 | ![]() |
[Google Drive] | Town03 | |
#11 | 2:56 | 2:53 | ![]() |
[Google Drive] | Town03 | |
#12 | 2:23 | 2:17 | ![]() |
[Google Drive] | Town03 |
@inproceedings{shibuya2020privacy, title = {Privacy Preserving Visual {SLAM}}, author = {Mikiya Shibuya and Shinya Sumikura and Ken Sakurada}, booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)}, year = {2020} }